Monday, August 8, 2011


I'm here, I just got back from almost two weeks away with the family and friends.
First 10 days with fam in the Grand Lake area of Colorado at about 9000-10000 feet. WONDERFUL!!!!
Then a couple of days in Denver with Jessi.
Then a couple of days with the Macs in KC.
Anyway, I will post more about our vacation once I have sorted through some of the photos!!  I even have some great shots of the young buck that charged Fred and I on our leisurely 6 mile hike from where we were staying on Shadow Mountain Lake to the village of Grand Lake! And we were concerned about bears, moose, and pumas!! Silly us!
I will also post a long overdue blog of our time last fall up in the mountains with Jessi and Kurt that he asked me about on THIS family vacation.
My bad.
Stay tuned....