Something I'm realizing as I get older is that I no longer see things so black and white, so set in stone as far as my opinions, my beliefs, and my worldviews. It's actually very comforting and a relief to not have to feel the need to defend a position, or a viewpoint. It's truly a joy to listen more than speak. For the years have taught me that in this life I am entitled to nothing, everything is a gift, and when things don't go my way I will not only survive, but most likely grow in some area.
I don't think this perspective is possible to gain only by those who have actually lived for decades though, for I have seen such an awareness come to younger persons that have endured true hardships and near death experiences.
Think cancer survivors, even children, survivors of traumatic events such as war, accidents, and horrific mistreatment. So often we call them "old souls", and rightly so, and it is appropriate to feel sympathy or compassion towards them. Many need assistance in help and recovery from such terrible things as PTSD. However, I have also found that many of them actually gain a "soul wisdom" beyond their years that can allow them to live life more fully with more awareness that life is truly a gift.
I am amused and at times I am embarrassed by my younger self when I remember how much I knew and knew what I knew was right and best. Not just for me, but for others too, especially those older than me. I was so progressive and revolutionary in my approach to life and life philosophies. When I "came to faith" , I had the right answer and I was in the right camp of believers. It was my business to convince my friends and relatives that what they believed was not quite right if it didn't fit my paradigm.
Somewhere in my thirties I began to realize the self confidence I portrayed was actually pretty thin and there were questions lurking beneath the surface. I kept those at bay, but they would break through every so often, especially as my own children entered their teen years and young adulthood.
We loved being with our kids and their friends as they all grew into their adult selves. That's when I began to let some of the musings and questions surface. That's when I became less certain that everything was contained in a neat tidy package of philosophies and beliefs and viewpoints.
At first it was scary, I admit. Then, however, something beautiful began to emerge. An awareness was growing within my mind and heart, my soul, that the God I believed in not only could handle my questions, but welcomes them!
The more I opened myself up to the thoughts and questions and fears I had stuffed for so long, the deeper my connection became with my God and with other people!
Probably one of the most influential persons in my life at that point and still today is a woman thirty three years my senior. She has the most amazing stories and a mind that is not only sharp, but always learning and expanding her horizons. As I write this she is almost six months past her ninety ninth birthday! My girlfriend and I worked with her for a while and still get together and talk and laugh and share our hearts on life and faith and relationships and even politics. Just last year we three spent an afternoon having lunch at a beautiful winery and it was every bit as much fun as my times with my peers and younger friends are.
One of my favorite sayings is, "When I grow up I want to be just like [my friend], only taller." You see this sweet woman is almost half as tall as I am!
Anyway, she has an insatiable curiosity, a solid faith and love for her God, yet allows everyone the freedom to pursue their own journey and grow to know God in the way he's designed them.
Yep, I'm pretty darned sure that "gaining wisdom" as one ages means realizing how little we really know, seeing the beauty and the value in the kaleidoscopic of people, life approaches, and more and more dropping labels and evaluations based on preconceived ideas (can we say... prejudice?).
Its wonderfully freeing and I honestly feel younger than I have in years, except for the way my body sometimes reminds me of the miles it has accumulated... But even that no longer dampens my joy that God's not done with me because he keeps expanding my horizons and its exciting to walk towards those horizons , even if I can't do cartwheels towards them anymore...In my mind I still am able to do them.
I don't think this perspective is possible to gain only by those who have actually lived for decades though, for I have seen such an awareness come to younger persons that have endured true hardships and near death experiences.
Think cancer survivors, even children, survivors of traumatic events such as war, accidents, and horrific mistreatment. So often we call them "old souls", and rightly so, and it is appropriate to feel sympathy or compassion towards them. Many need assistance in help and recovery from such terrible things as PTSD. However, I have also found that many of them actually gain a "soul wisdom" beyond their years that can allow them to live life more fully with more awareness that life is truly a gift.
I am amused and at times I am embarrassed by my younger self when I remember how much I knew and knew what I knew was right and best. Not just for me, but for others too, especially those older than me. I was so progressive and revolutionary in my approach to life and life philosophies. When I "came to faith" , I had the right answer and I was in the right camp of believers. It was my business to convince my friends and relatives that what they believed was not quite right if it didn't fit my paradigm.
Somewhere in my thirties I began to realize the self confidence I portrayed was actually pretty thin and there were questions lurking beneath the surface. I kept those at bay, but they would break through every so often, especially as my own children entered their teen years and young adulthood.
We loved being with our kids and their friends as they all grew into their adult selves. That's when I began to let some of the musings and questions surface. That's when I became less certain that everything was contained in a neat tidy package of philosophies and beliefs and viewpoints.
At first it was scary, I admit. Then, however, something beautiful began to emerge. An awareness was growing within my mind and heart, my soul, that the God I believed in not only could handle my questions, but welcomes them!
The more I opened myself up to the thoughts and questions and fears I had stuffed for so long, the deeper my connection became with my God and with other people!
Probably one of the most influential persons in my life at that point and still today is a woman thirty three years my senior. She has the most amazing stories and a mind that is not only sharp, but always learning and expanding her horizons. As I write this she is almost six months past her ninety ninth birthday! My girlfriend and I worked with her for a while and still get together and talk and laugh and share our hearts on life and faith and relationships and even politics. Just last year we three spent an afternoon having lunch at a beautiful winery and it was every bit as much fun as my times with my peers and younger friends are.
One of my favorite sayings is, "When I grow up I want to be just like [my friend], only taller." You see this sweet woman is almost half as tall as I am!
Anyway, she has an insatiable curiosity, a solid faith and love for her God, yet allows everyone the freedom to pursue their own journey and grow to know God in the way he's designed them.
Yep, I'm pretty darned sure that "gaining wisdom" as one ages means realizing how little we really know, seeing the beauty and the value in the kaleidoscopic of people, life approaches, and more and more dropping labels and evaluations based on preconceived ideas (can we say... prejudice?).
Its wonderfully freeing and I honestly feel younger than I have in years, except for the way my body sometimes reminds me of the miles it has accumulated... But even that no longer dampens my joy that God's not done with me because he keeps expanding my horizons and its exciting to walk towards those horizons , even if I can't do cartwheels towards them anymore...In my mind I still am able to do them.