Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is it Thursday??

Wow! The week is flying by!
Yesterday was a real mix of things.
I spent time with my sweet friend Jill and her beautiful baby girl, Emma for a few hour brunch. So fun!

Then I was pretty much on the phone non-stop.
We are at the front end of considering possibly moving our mom into a hospice house. It is a very nice-looking, clean, relatively newly constructed facility on pretty grounds. I have several friends that highly recommended it. Really after meeting with the social worker the ball is in their court as they get my mom's health info from her present hospice and determine if she is even eligible to move there.
If so, then we have to decide if it's a good idea or not and talk to her about it.

My Mom's Full Day:
She started her eventful day with a less-than-thrilling visit with a podiatrist. Wow! Exciting!

My friend Maddie  then stopped in to see her for a time and then came by our house and dropped off a book and some notes she had written during her time as a companion with my mom and their conversations last year. She has been such a blessing to my mom and evidently my mom has touched her heart as well.
Thank you Maddie!!!

Later in the afternoon just after visiting the hospice house, I got a call from our present hospice social worker that she had stopped in to see my mom and a visitor showed up. It was a childhood friend of my mom's who is 90 and lives near their hometown 200 miles from here. They rode horses together and graduated from high school together! Amazing! She was on her way back from out of state attending someone's 50th anniversary when her relative who was driving her decided to return to her home via St Louis. She said she wouldn't feel right driving through St Louis and not trying to see Fae. So they did and what a treat.

Our Hospice Social Worker Keil Sent this to me. Priceless!!!

A little later one of her best friends from the apartments she lived in there on the grounds stopped in for a visit and she really enjoyed that.

Wow! And I was feeling bad that I was taking a day off and not going to get by to see her. She did fine without me thank you very much. Thank you Lord!

I feel that these visits are "loose ends" sort of getting tied up and yet I dare not try to guess if Mama is close to the end, she has fooled us before much to her frustration:)
I spoke fr a while with her doc last night and he said her ongoing end of life phase has "more twist and turns than an O'Henry story"! He also quoted Mark Twain saying, "The rumors of your mom's death are greatly exaggerated!"
As far as those loose ends the only person that she has expressed a desire to see is my brother and for whatever reason he has not come in. That is very hard for my sister and I, but he knows her situation and that she has said she'd like to see him. We cannot control that... it's between him and God.

The End of My Full Day:
My one disappointment yesterday was that I postponed a 3 hour photography class I had signed up to go to last evening. I just wasn't up to rushing home, gathering my camera gear and going to sit and absorb all the information at this point. Jodie of Fresh Art Photography was offering the class and was very understanding. Thank you Jodie! Check out their website.

However, as it turned out, our long time friend, Michael Smith came in town to see his dad and ended up staying with us last night and tonight. It was fun seeing him and catching up some.
Fred and I made a yummy meal for us of grilled scallops, mushrooms, and asparagus and our fave summer salad, tomatoes, mozzarella and fresh basil form our deck pots
The boys sat on the front porch smokin' cigars and sipping a cold one.
I went to bed and to sleep...

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