Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year 2011

So here it is. Another year that we mortals mark with numbers because eternity is too hard to wrap our finite minds around.
I don't know, it sounds so... not "elevenish".
I know that it will be an important year all over the world for many people personally and otherwise, I just don't think that the sound of the year "Two Thousand Eleven" or even "Twenty Eleven" has any charisma to it.
Enough said.
Last year was an eventful year for me and my family and one from which we are ready to move on.
Besides my mom going home to be with the Lord after 7 1/2 months in hospice care, there were several other hard times and losses in our family and even though I know this is all part of life, I for one, am very ready to move onto better and brighter times!
My grandkids are still the most amazing kids in the world and a gift from God to all of us.
My friends need to know that I never take any of them for granted and am humbled by their love.
My youngest daughter, Jess, starts the final fifteen weeks of her one year accelerated nursing school program tomorrow. Am I proud of her?! No more than I am of my other two amazing children, Josh and Erin and all three of their respective spouses.
So, what I look forward to this year is more energy to invest in all of these relationships and to invest in pursuit of some of my favorite things.
1. Walking or dancing (either one is aerobic exercise that I LOVE!!!)
2. Laughing, deep, hearty laughs, the kind that causes problems for some of us women:) and brings tears to my eyes.
3. Writing and organizing what I've already written over the years into a readable context.
4. Doing more music and recording with my amazing musician/singer/songwriter husband and laying down a few more tracks with my daughter Jess.
5. Getting rid of all the many things that we don't need, use, or that just take up space. Uncomplicate my surroundings and hence, create a less cluttered living space.
6. Raise my daily practice of thanksgiving to an art form.
7. Call or write (not email or text) at least one friend or relative (new or old) each week.
8. Have more people over for leisurely meals and talks around the fire or on our porch.
9. Get braver about my photography and take my camera off of "Auto" more often!
10. Telling my guy everyday just how amazing I think that he is and letting him know I am blest!

I'll post more this week with pictures. I am having a bit of a computer and photo problem at the moment, but as frustrating as that can be, I am not letting it ruin the start of my blogging this year.

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