Saturday, March 9, 2019

Love Letter to My Tribe

A shout out prayer and hope to my tribe. We are stronger than we look, yet our relational hearts are tender and love fiercely. May we wake up every day ready to adventure on and journey on. May we spark hope, creativity, and a little non status quo into the generations following us. Yes, may we be willing and brave enough to step outside the box when the box is irrelevant, a form of bondage, or downright shameful... May we recreate the box. May we stop comparing ourselves to one another, rating our worth by what others say or think, and may we see our worth as God sees it... His very image in us! We are his beloved and precious in his sight. He designed us for a glorious purpose and empowers us to live that out in small ways and sometimes big ways. He also offers and invites us to rest. Rest in him and rest from our work, in order to re-enter into it re-energized and refreshed and refocused. Yes, we may wear many hats, but those are what we do, not who we are. May we never confuse the two in our lives nor in our sisters' lives. Hold one another's hands, look each other in the eye, hold one another up when any of us are too weary to stand, and be willing, always willing to be a part of rewriting the true story. The story many of us have found ourselves in was fictionalized by those that saw women as a problem or a threat. We are not a threat, not to other women or those who value us as whole people, but may we be a force to be reckoned with, tearing down the strongholds that hold us back and hold us down and rebuild a world for the next generations of women that fully utilizes ALL humankind's strengths and gifts. Love you all... You are valuable!

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